Often hair loss is the reason? How to prevent?

Hair growth had had a period of growth and aging, the natural physiological hair actually happen every day. But there are some hair loss is caused by pathological factors. In young people, the more common circular bald, also known as “receive many”, because it is a stress, emotions, resulting in a block of scalp hair Hair Extensions suddenly entered a growth of late, suddenly fall out. Under such circumstances the hair after a treatment, can be restored within three to five months of growth.

Nutrition-related causes of hair loss, and mental stress or sudden mental stimulation have a great relationship, you can check blood trace elements, usually do not often in a nervous state. Hair loss often in places with ginger rub, can promote hair growth, nutrition must be comprehensive and appropriate to eat hard shell foods, proper eating black sesame!

Adequate sleep
Adequate sleep can promote skin and hair normal metabolism, and metabolism of mainly at night especially between 22:00 to 2:00, this time adequate sleep, you can make the hair normal metabolism. On the contrary, the hair will lose balance metabolism and nutrition alopecia.
Suggestion: try to make sleep less than six hours a day, develop a regular sleep habits. Attention to diet, eat foods rich in protein and rich in trace elements in food, eat more vegetables, fruits, eat less fatty and sugary foods.

Avoid excessive damage
Hair color, perm and hair and other hair will cause some damage; impact rinses, hair perm solution for larger, more often the cause of hair loss of luster and elasticity, and even yellow becomes dry; ultraviolet sunlight will damage hair, making hair dry yellow; warm moist air and cold air-conditioning can be a cause of hair loss and gray hair, the air is too dry or too much humidity are detrimental to the protection of the hair.

Recommendation: hair color, perm interval of at least 3-6 months. Avoid exposure to sunlight in summer, swimming, sunbathing and more to pay attention to protection.

Shampoo and hair
Summer can be 3-7 times a week, winter can be 1-3 times a week, when the shampoo water temperature should not exceed 40 ℃, the temperature close to 37 ℃. Do not use strong or alkaline degreasing shampoo, because this kind of shampoo degreasing and dehydration are very strong, easy to make dry hair, scalp necrosis.

Recommendation: selection on the scalp and hair Human Hair Wigs without irritating acid-free natural shampoo, or according to their own hair to choose. No plastic comb, ideally chosen Combs and bristle brush head, both to remove dandruff, scalp massage can promote blood circulation.

Maintain mental health
Anxiety every day will lead to hair loss, the deeper the level of repression, the faster the hair loss.
Recommendation: For women, maintain an appropriate amount of exercise, shiny black hair, full of vitality. Men often take a deep breath, take a walk, do relaxation gymnastics, etc., can eliminate mental fatigue of the day

In addition, the family pets prone to fungal infection, if he likes to sleep with pets with pillow, it is likely to cause scalp infection, redness, itching, scaling, so that the hair loss; addition, there is a place in the scalp fat drain dermatitis, tinea capitis will appear with similar symptoms, but not hair loss.

In fact, there may be male pattern baldness, you want to know that their hair is not particularly out too much, there is a very simple “pull hair experiment”; people can gently pull their hair six to eight times, and then look at each pull down hair has no more than three, if there is, it means that there are relatively fragile hair follicles, one should pay more attention.

Hair loss situation must first diagnosis is pathological or physiological factors, such as the concern is health problems, it is best to ask a professional to help dermatologists diagnose, if more greasy scalp itself, it is recommended to switch to refreshing shampoo improve hair quality.
The main symptoms of hair loss is hair greasy, like Oil it, as there are scorch hair Peng, lack luster, yellow scaly fixing Away, or gray scales flying, consciously itching. If male hair loss, primarily the head and the top of the head, the forehead hairline and temples move up, the top of the head and thinning hair, yellow, soft, end to the amount of hair on top and a bare or some; female hair loss on the top of the head hair becomes sparse, but does not completely fall into pieces.

Chinese medicine believes that the disease, there are two reasons: First Blood hot and dry, hot blood side wins, Hao Shang Yin, blood tiger wind, more Shangyin blood, Yin can not be on top of the roof to moisten the hair root, root dry hair Lace Wigs, or made false shedding; Second spleen, spleen transport of weakness, coupled with unbridled food Feiganhouwei, Shang Wei damage the spleen, causing the top of the roof steam heat, erosion hair root, root gradually corrode, hair sticky and fall off the performance .

So, grab the root cause of illness only, is a good choice.

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